
Churn analysis

When customers are going away, it’s always important to make sure that we learn something. That’s why Whaly users are tracking their Churn and more specifically the rate at which it goes and the most common reasons.

This is important to raise alert if the rate goes up or to give feedbacks to all the company teams about what they could have done better to prevent the customer from churning.

From product feedbacks to customer success improvements, there is always something to learn from a churn.

Product Margin analysis for marketplace

For business that are buying and reselling goods or services coming from multiple vendors (as known as marketplace), it’s important to analyse the margin at the item level to understand which offer is the most profitable.

Based on this information, the “best margin” products can be given a better place in the marketplace to boost revenue.

For marketplace where the customer can negotiate deals, it’s also important to check that the level of margin is staying healthy, which is not trivial when there is a lot of proposed goods and services in the marketplace.

That's why Whaly users that run marketplace are building dashboards to report on their margin level per offer and product to catch any issue and identify opportunities.

Satisfaction score tracking

Whaly users are tracking their users satisfaction score to ensure that the overall satisfaction is going good and break it down by product / feature when they scale so that they can know what to improve and priorise in their product roadmaps.

Feature usage

Whaly users are building tools to understand the deployment of each feature in the customer base and check its usage rate.

It’s useful when getting product feedbacks to weight them with the actual usage of the feature to priorise the feedback.

When building the roadmap, it’s also a key information to check if the feature is being as used as your are expecting. Additional work to better present the feature or make it self discoverable might be needed and planned in the product roadmap to make it a success.

There is no point in building features and missing the final steps to make it used by a lot of users, don't be the Product Manager that launch features and product but doesn't focus on making them adopted.

Last updated