Setting up the training material

Objectives: in this section, you will be guided on setting everything up in order to start training.

High level plan

  1. Connecting the "Jaffle Shop" source

  2. Creating our base exploration

  3. Creating our base report

  4. Adding our first chart

1. Connecting our Jaffle Shop source

The first thing we will need to do is connect our training source. In order to do so, simply head to the source catalog and click on the Jaffle Shop (Training material) source. Then, click on the Connect button.

The Jaffle Shop source is composed of three data tables:

  • Customers

  • Orders

  • Payments

A customer has between 0 and n orders. An order has a customer, and between 1 and n payments. A payment is linked to an order.

2. Creating our training exploration

In order to create our training exploration, head to workbench, then create a new exploration from a template. Select the Jaffle Shop (training) template. Then, simply click on "use template".

The following exploration will be automatically created in your workspace :

3. Creating our base report

In order to create our training report :

  1. Head to your workspace. Click on "Create a dashboard", give it a name (Training for example) and a folder, then and click on "Continue"

  2. Add a text tile with the following text :


  1. [New Chart] Add Order breakdown per Order status

  2. [New Chart + New Metric] Add the payment amount paid with gift cards per month

  3. [New dashboard filter] Filter the dashboard on a customer

  4. [New model + New Exploration+ New Chart + New Drill] Add the number of customers per number of orders

4. Adding our first chart

The first chart we will add is the number of order per week. To do so:

  1. On the report, click on Edit

  2. Click on the Add chart button

  3. Select the "Order" exploration from the list

  4. Then, reproduce the following query :

    1. Drop "number of orders" and "order date" in the chart.

    2. Select the line chart under timeserie

    3. Set the time to "all times", and group by week

    4. Click on Run query, and display as a bar chart

    5. Click on "Add tile" to add the chart to your dashboard

Our dashboard should look like this now :

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