For viewers
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As a viewer on Whaly, you will be able to consult the reports of your organization and use the available explorations in order to ask questions on your data.
If you are new to the platform, it is suggested to read the following articles :
What is a report
What is an exploration
The first thing you will have to do is login to Whaly. If you do not have an account, you should contact an organization admin in order to get invited to the platform.
Once logged in on the platform, you will need to select your organization, which will open the workspace page. You can use the left sidebar to navigate in your org folders. You will see the different reports you have access to. On the top of the left side panel, you can access to the explorations that your team has built.
From the Workspace, click on a report or a question to open it. When consulting a report, you can:
See the charts that are available
Click on any charts to drill into the raw data
Use the dashboard filters, if any are configured on the report
Explore from a chart to modify the current question
As a viewer, you can also explore the data using the explorations your team has built. Exploring will allow you to ask your own questions on your team's data. There is two ways to access an exploration :
From the workspace menu, click on the "Explore" menu, then select the exploration you want.
From any chart of a report or a question, click on the ⋮ icon in the top right corner and then click on explore from here
The exploration page is structured with three panels:
On the right, you will find :
The query builder, where we will use the measures and dimensions we have at our disposal in order to ask a question on our data
The chart options, allowing use to customise the look of our chart. The options will change based on the type of chart you want to display
On the middle, you will find :
The query visualisation : this is where you query will be turned into a chart
The breakdown where you will find the aggregated data that was used to build a chart
On the left, you will find the exploration content. It contains metrics (in blue), a dimensions (in green).
Using the exploration page is easy. You can compare it to creating a dynamic table in a spreadsheet.
On the exploration page, you can ask question by :
Drag and dropping measures from the left panel into the chart or the "Measure" section of the query builder
Drag and dropping dimensions from the left panel into the chart or the "Group by" section of the query builder
Drag and dropping time dimensions from the left panel into the "Using time" section of the query builder: this is useful when you want to group this by a time period or if you want to see the data in a specific date range.
Drag and dropping dimensions or use the "Add a filter" button to filter the data based on dimensions values
When you are satisfied with the changes you've done on the query builder, click on the "Run Query" button to load the new chart
You can change the visualisation type using :
The chart type button on top of the query builder. Here you will have three choices :
Metrics to create charts that are either plain numbers or gauges.
Categories to create any other type of charts (funnel, maps, scatter plots, ...)
Timeseries to create charts that are able to group your metrics over time (line charts, bar charts, table charts)
Change the visualization type using the selector on top of the query builder
Finally, you can change the chart options in the right panel in order to customize the look of your chart.